The Kajuru Station community in Kaduna State faced a harrowing attack recently, with bandits reportedly abducting eighty-seven people. This incident unfolded just after another abduction where 14 individuals were taken by bandits...
The FA Cup semi-finals draw for the last four teams has set up exciting matchups, with Manchester City facing Chelsea and Manchester United taking on Coventry. This draw raised the prospect of...
Amidst escalating challenges in Nigeria, including rising kidnapping rates and power shortages, presidential candidate Peter Obi urges a total review of the 2024 budget to prioritise critical areas for the nation's recovery.
After securing his position as the presumptive Republican nominee, the former president Donald Trump issued a warning of a “bloodbath” if he loses. His warning of a “bloodbath” has aroused a response...
The Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), Mele Kyari, expects the resumption of Port Harcourt Refinery Operations by April. Mechanical works on the Port Harcourt refinery are...
President Vladimir Putin secures another term in the Russian election, sparking discussions on the implications for Russia's democracy and international stance amid critiques of electoral fairness.
Nigerians widely acknowledge that their economy is in dire straits, with basic necessities becoming increasingly scarce. Yet, Nigerians are renowned for their resilience, and always innovating amidst economic crisis. This ingenuity is...
Putin’s victory in Russian election sparks tension and faces serious opposition from the Russian people. Vladimir Putin’s re-election for another six-year term as Russian president seemed inevitable, with exit polls projecting his...