Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has issued a public statement clarifying that a message currently being circulated on WhatsApp in her name is entirely fabricated. The renowned economist and global leader expressed her dismay at the false message and thanked her friends and supporters for quickly identifying it as a hoax.
The fake message, which falsely attributes statements about Nigeria’s economic policies and her interactions with President Tinubu, has been widely forwarded on the messaging platform. Okonjo-Iweala emphasized that she does not use WhatsApp broadcasts to communicate and warned the public to disregard any such messages purportedly from her.
“I am pleased that those who know me instantly recognized this as fake. Thanks to friends who brought this to my attention,” Okonjo-Iweala said. She further condemned the misuse of social media for spreading false information, stating, “This is a bad example of the use of social media.”
Okonjo-Iweala also issued a stern warning to those involved in creating and disseminating fake messages, asserting that their attempts to mislead the public would ultimately fail. She urged the public to remain vigilant and to verify the authenticity of any messages they receive.
This incident underscores the importance of responsible social media usage and the need for individuals to critically assess the information they encounter online. Okonjo-Iweala reaffirmed her commitment to transparent and truthful communication, reminding her audience that she does not utilize WhatsApp for broadcasting messages.