KWASU Sanctions Student Over Controversial Skit

Immediate Sanction Enforced

The management of Kwara State University (KWASU) has disabled the portal of a male student, as it sanctions him over a controversial skit. The skit, which led to this swift action, has sparked significant concern within the university community. Dr. Saeedat Aliyu, Acting Director of University Relations, announced on Wednesday that this action is a preliminary punitive measure. The decision is pending the outcome of an investigation by the Student Disciplinary Committee.

Institution Upholds High Standards

Dr. Aliyu emphasised that the skits do not reflect the institution’s values or the ethical orientation of the majority of KWASU students. She reiterated the university’s commitment to upholding its standards, stating, “KWASU is an institution that prides itself on producing graduates who excel in character and learning, and has zero tolerance for any form of indiscipline.”

University’s Firm Stance

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Jimoh Shaykh-Luqman, directed the immediate disabling of the student’s portal as a first-line response. This action underscores the university’s firm stance on maintaining discipline and upholding its values. The university reassured the community that it takes the matter seriously and will address it accordingly.

Commitment to Decency

Dr. Aliyu also highlighted the importance of decency and ethical behaviour, which the university holds in high esteem. “We wish to reiterate that KWASU values the principles of decency promoted by all religions and will not condone any act that jeopardises these values,” she stated. This commitment to ethical standards is central to the university’s mission.

Ongoing Investigation

The Student Disciplinary Committee is currently investigating the matter to determine the appropriate course of action. The investigation ensures that officials consider all relevant facts and provide a fair and just response from the university. During this period, the university encourages the community to uphold the institution’s values.

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Looking Forward

The outcome of the investigation will set a precedent for maintaining high standards of behaviour at KWASU. The university remains dedicated to producing graduates who exemplify both academic excellence and strong character.

Further reading

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