Akwa Ibom Federal Polytechnic Workers Commence Warning Strike

Staff Embark on Seven-Day Strike

Members of the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Polytechnics at Federal Polytechnic, Ukana, in Akwa Ibom State, have initiated a seven-day warning strike. On Friday, the staff demonstrated around the school grounds, urging the fulfilment of their demands.

Management Accused of Neglect

Following a short congress meeting, the workers of the Akwa Ibom Federal Polytechnic voiced their frustration over the management’s neglect of their concerns. The main issues highlighted include the non-payment of a 38% balance of salary shortfall, non-payment of promotion arrears, and the forced conversion of staff.

Protest March to Rector’s Office

After the congress, the protesters marched to the Rector’s office, displaying placards and chanting solidarity songs. They called for the full implementation of their demands, with messages on their placards highlighting grievances such as “SSANIP says no to unnecessary transfer of members” and “Pay us our 38% balance salary shortfall (2016–2018).”

SSANIP Chairman Speaks Out

Mr. Tamunosiki Daka, the SSANIP chairman at the polytechnic, addressed the protesters, emphasising that they did not intend to cause conflict but to advocate for their welfare.

He criticised the management’s failure to address personnel salary shortfalls since 2015, despite repeated reminders.

Call for Welfare and Accountability

Mr. Daka underscored that the welfare of SSANIP members is his top priority. He reiterated the association’s demands for the payment of owed arrears, questioning management’s decisions and their impact on staff welfare.

The management has failed to provide a satisfactory resolution despite multiple attempts by the staff to engage with them.

Threat to Shut Down Offices

Daka Issues Final Warning

Mr. Daka issued a stern warning that he and his colleagues would shut down all offices, including the Rector’s, by Monday if management does not meet their demands. He further stated that their patience had lasted for six months, during which time he criticised the appointment of a teaching staff member to the position of ICT, questioning its appropriateness.

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