In a tragic incident in Benue State, the Onipi community of Adoka in Otukpo Local Government Area faced a brutal attack by suspected armed herdsmen, resulting in the death of two individuals...
The Kajuru Station community in Kaduna State faced a harrowing attack recently, with bandits reportedly abducting eighty-seven people. This incident unfolded just after another abduction where 14 individuals were taken by bandits...
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) escalated its fight against financial crimes by exposing ex-Kogi Governor, Yahaya Bello’s N84 billion money laundering. The case, unfolded in the Federal High Court, Abuja,...
Peter Obi addresses the abduction of over 200 students in Kaduna, stressing the security crisis and its impact on education in Nigeria. He calls for immediate government action to protect schools and...
Bandits abducted over 100 students from LEA Primary School in Kaduna, with the head teacher possibly among them. The incident adds to a pattern of kidnappings, sparking protests and calls for increased...
Nigeria is gripped by an unprecedented security crisis with a record high of 3,600 kidnappings in 2023, questioning President Tinubu's strategies. With a significant defense budget compromised by inflation, the government's response...
OPSH troops, led by Major General Abdulsalam Abubakar, uncover a gun manufacturing syndicate in Kafanchan, Kaduna State. They seized 26 weapons, combat gear, and a cache of ammunition.