Iconic Nigerian Singer and Actress Onyeka Onwenu Dies Suddenly In a sorrowful turn of events, the renowned Nigerian singer and actress Onyeka Onwenu has died at the age of 72. This tragic...
The family of the beloved Nollywood actor, John Odonwodo, known fondly as Junior Pope, has disclosed the dates for his final rites following his untimely demise. Odonwodo, aged 43, tragically lost his...
Actor Junior Pope Odonwodo, known as "Junior Pope," has tragically died in a boat accident crossing the Niger River without a life jacket. The incident shocked the film industry, particularly the Directors...
Nollywood mourns the loss of Ikechukwu Nnadi, better known by his alias Andy Best, a prominent producer in the industry. Reports confirm Nnadi’s passing after a prolonged battle with an undisclosed illness...
Michael Jackson's sons, Prince and Bigi, step into the public eye to commemorate their father's 65th birthday, reminding the world that the King of Pop's legacy lives on through the next generation.